Friday, September 19, 2008

Palouse Prairie School Summer Adventure

Originally published in the Moscow Food COOP News, October 2008

By Donna Mills, PPSEL Volunteer

This past July, members of Palouse Prairie School of Expeditionary Learning offered a chance for children in the area to experience a hands-on look and feel of Expeditionary Learning. The subject was local sustainable and organic agriculture. The two-week class was full of many opportunities for the children to get their hands into the local agriculture. They visited a local organic farm and learned how an organic farm is different from a non-organic farm. The children participated in a creating a plot at the Moscow Community Garden and after harvesting the garden, they gave their vegetables to Backyard Harvest. The project let them see food travel from the soil to the community. There were many wonderful activities that the children explored, including worm composting, honey bee pollination and a look at the connection between farming and wetland conservation. The experience culminated in a project in which the children painted a PCEI trailer to show what organic and sustainable gardening looks like. Watch for the newly painted PCEI trailer as it travels through town to work at local watersheds.

This experience exemplifies one of the ten design principles of an expeditionary school. The eighth design principle, “The Natural World” says: “A direct and respectful relationship with the natural world refreshes the human spirit and teaches the important ideas of recurring cycles and cause and effect. Students learn to become stewards of the earth and of future generations.” What a fantastic experience the children participated in.

Please join us for a workshop "A day in the life of an Expeditionary Learning School,” October 11, 9-noon. This free workshop will be led by a school designer from Portland and will be held in the new west wing of the 1912 building. Please RSVP at For more volunteer opportunities, contact

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Parents' Workshop with EL School Designer, Sat Oct 11

Expeditionary Learning Schools is sending a school designer to facilitate a morning workshop for parents and interested area teachers. The tentative title is "Day in the life of an EL School." Parents will participate in activities that give both the flavor of an EL school day and take a deeper look into how the 10 Design Principles make EL different from traditional school curriculum. (Area teachers are welcome to attend and learn more about active learning strategies.)

The session is scheduled for the new West Wing of the 1912 Center.

9-Noon, Saturday Oct 11
Admission Free, but advance signup requested.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tour to Summit EL School, Fri Sept 26

Parents wanting to see EL in action are invited to come on a tour of Summit School in Spokane Valley. We have organized two of these trips in the past, and they provide interesting insights to EL in action.

Depart Moscow Rosauers at 6:45AM sharp Friday Sept 26 to get to school in time for the opening (there is no opening bell). Back in Moscow by about 3:30.

Please sign up (below) to help our planning. We'll help coordinate car pools if you want, indicate on the form. We will limit the trip to 25 people so as not to overwhelm the school.

Website for the Summit School.

Map with driving directions from Moscow.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Yard Sale, Sat. Sept 20

Saturday, Sept 20, 8-noon
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
1036 W "A" St Moscow

Fund raiser for Palouse Prairie.

Three ways to participate:
1. Drop off items to be sold. Friday 3-6PM at the church
2. Volunteer to help with the sale or setup (, or show up)
3. Shop till you drop. (And talk to us about Palouse Prairie)